Big questions for projects using ComposeDB
OrbisDB <> ComposeDB
- Where do they host their node?
- Hirenodes?
- If no: Details about their own server hosting
- Do they use ComposeDB libraries for write (probably yes)?
- If yes: Mutation examples?
- If no: How do they write data?
- Do they use ComposeDB GraphQL endpoint for reads (probably yes)?
- Which GraphQL provider they are using?
- If yes: Example of queries and relations?
- If no: How do they query content?
- Do they have an existing Postgres database
- Details about their project
- Are they building an SDK?
- Are they building a front end app?
- Are they building a back end app?
Action item:
- [ ] List eligible projects working with Hirenodes.
- Write
- Projects keep on writing data using ComposeDB library
- Projects must update their node to support Data Feed API
- Very easy if work with Hirenodes
- Indexing
- By default will pick up new streams created on their node
- Projects must have their own OrbisDB instance
- Very easy if work with Hirenodes
- OrbisDB Must support historical syncing
- Using ComposeDB postgre
- Using Recon / ComposeDB models indexed
- OrbisDB support Relations written via ComposeDB
- Querying
- Projects change the ApolloProvider endpoint to use OrbisDB one
- Projects will probably have to change a few field names and slightly update their relations
- OrbisDB must support historical relations from ComposeDB models
Action item:
- [ ] Find a way to connect to ComposeDB to do historical syncing
- Write
- Projects migrate to DB SDK to write data
- Indexing
- Same as Simple
- For larger projects Gitcoin Passport and Oamo
- OrbisDB create a ComposeDB migration plugin
- Connect to CDB database using GraphQL exposed from ComposeDB libraries to sync everything to OrbisDB