OrbisDB builds on top of proven foundations, utilizing open-source projects, standards and protocols.

Ceramic (write)

Ceramic is a decentralized event store with composability and data ownership at its core. It can be compared to Kafka in the Web2 stack.

The protocol is purpose built for data, allowing for higher scalability and lower costs.

To find out more about Ceramic, check out the docs.


Each Ceramic stream represents a row in OrbisDB. It contains all commits (modifications) done to the data since the initial creation. This is done in the form of Events.


Ceramic Models dictate the way data needs to be structured, providing composability out of the box. Any application can consume the data based on the Model definition, knowing it will be valid.

Each Model is treated as a subscription topic and represented as a unique Table in OrbisDB.

Read more about Models here (link).


IPFS (and IPLD) are powering Ceramic’s data storage, providing a universal data model and P2P cold storage.


Ceramic utilizes DIDs, decentralized identifiers (link).

Any data coming through Ceramic needs to be signed by the end user. Creators have the sole ownership over their data.

PostgreSQL (read)

The most famous open-source database sits at the core of OrbisDB.

Choosing PostgreSQL allows OrbisDB to expose a familiar query interface. It also comes with all the goodies of an existing PostgreSQL ecosystem, bundled with thousands of extensions and services.

OrbisDB Node (orchestrate)